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Scrapbook Design Tip: Matching Design to a Large Photo Block

Create scrapbook designs quickly with this easy design trick!

On of my all-time favorite go-to designs is to create a photo block and then match my papers to it. It's one of those design concepts that can be altered and customized to fit anything! Any style, any amount of photos, any theme...ANYTHING!

The layout above shows how I made a large-ish photo block out of squares and then added some vertical strips cut to the same height as that block of photos. I've created a whole block design on my page that features both photos and papers.

The photos in the block are 2-1/2 x 2-1/2". When placed in the photo block, a column (the group of photos from top to bottom) is 2-1/2 x 7-3/4".

I then created strips that match the width (2-1/2") and height (7-3/4") of those columns.

When completed I had the same number of strips/columns on each page: 4. One side has three strips and one column of photos and the other side has three columns of photos and one strip.

Here are a few tips and tricks when it comes to this design concept:

• I like to work with even margins to keep balance on my pages. I look to have the same spacing from the outer strips to the left and right edges. That means on this layout I have about a 1-1/2" space from the edge of the outer strip to the edge of the left and right edges. I do the same for the top and bottom. Equal margins will always give you a nice balance to your page. As with anything in scrapbooking though, this isn't a rule, just a guide that can help when it comes to design.

• You can use a variety of designs to match your photo block.

vertical strips

horizontal strips

strips in a variety of widths

one large piece of patterned paper

shapes like squares, stars, hearts, hexagons, or triangles

• Try stretching the papers all the way to the left and right edges.

I highly recommend that the next time you are struggling with design ideas, try making a photo block (of any size) and match your papers to it. It's a no-fail design concept that is easy and there are so many possibilities!

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